Horticulture Internship

Instructor: Dr. Richard L. Harkess
Office#: 142-A Dorman Hall
Phone#: (601) 325-4556

Course Meeting Time and Place:
Arranged with the instructor

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Course Description and Objectives:

This course is designed for horticulture undergraduate students to help prepare the individual to produce, process, and market plants, shrubs, and trees used principally for ornamental, recreational, and aesthetic purposes and to establish, maintain, and manage horticultural enterprises. The objective of this course is for the student to develop skills and experience to better prepare them for a career in horticulture.

Official Catalog Listing:
PSS 3433. Horticulture Internship. (3) (Prerequisite: Consent of the Floriculture and Ornamental Horticulture faculty). Individual work experience in a horticulture or allied industry organization with an approved employer under faculty supervision. This course may be repeated under approved conditions.

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