4613/6613 Floral Crop Programming.
Instructor: Dr. Richard L. Harkess
Office#: 142-A Dorman Hall
Phone#: (662) 325-4556

PSS4613/6613 is a 3 credit course offered spring semester in odd numbered years.

Course Meeting Time:
Lecture: Monday & Wednesday 8:00 - 8:50
Laboratory: Friday 8:00 - 9:50
Text: Dole, J.M. and H.F. Wilkins. 2005. 2nd ed. Floriculture, Principles and Species, Prentice-Hall, Inc.

CourseDescription and Objectives:
This course covers the commercial practices and principles involved in the production of the major commercial floriculture crops. Upon finishing this course a student should be able to demonstrate an understanding of the cultural and environmental requirements for the production of high quality floricultural crops. Specific student objectives include: 1) to be able to program floriculture crop production for a complete year. 2) to be able to calculate plant growth regulator and pesticide rates. 3) to be able to use computer spreadsheet programs to graphically track plant growth and production inventory. 4) to predict needed supplies for crop production. 5) to understand principles of environmental interactions on production. 6) to recognize and critically analyze production problems including those presented as emailed questions or digital photographs. 7) to be able to complete a computer literature search and develop a production protocol for a new crop. 8) to know the botanical names and be able to recognize the major floriculture crops.

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